Mindfully Maturing: Parenting, Leadership, and Conscious Evolution
In the vast expanse of human experience, two roles stand out for their transformative impact: parenting and leadership. We often draw parallels between the two, but what if the connection is more profound, more dynamic than we usually recognize? Let's delve deeper into this symbiotic relationship to unearth hidden insights about their intertwined evolution and the conscious choices we can make to optimize both roles.
I have often noticed a connection between a leader's stage of parenting and their leadership style. For instance, senior executives with teenage children may lean toward cause-and-effect, KPI-driven leadership—mirroring their parenting approach at home. Conversely, board members with adult children might exhibit a more laissez-faire style, having learned that adult children—and teams—thrive best with autonomy and trust.
When leaders recognize this, they instantly become aware of the unintentional influence their parenting style may have on their leadership style. With the awareness, they are empowered to make more conscious decisions about how they want to lead, aligning their parenting and leadership styles more intentionally.
I can’t count the number of times a leader recoils at the thought they might have been "parenting" their colleagues instead of treating them as adults capable of self-direction. This offers a fresh perspective on leadership development, suggesting that our growth as leaders is not just about learning new skills or knowledge, but also about maturing in our personal roles and relationships. In most cases, I have seen this transformation happen instantly, the moment the connection is made conscious.
But there’s another fascinating insight in the intertwined relationship of leadership and parenting. It is the emotional energy we invest in these roles, a force that doesn't neatly compartmentalize between home and work. The same love and passion that makes us stay up at night with a sick child also makes us burn the midnight oil to meet a project deadline or help a struggling team member. Our roles as parents and leaders aren't separate—they're simply different manifestations of our emotional engagement in the relationships that matter to us.
This holistic view of human beings as emotional entities who do not – and cannot – compartmentalize their parenting and professional lives completely, is a fresh and human-centric perspective. It emphasizes that work-life integration might be more real and influential than we commonly acknowledge.
And this brings us to perhaps the most profound insight of all—the power of choice. Often, we approach life, parenting, and leadership as though we're subject to external circumstances. But in reality, the level of engagement, passion, and authenticity we bring to our roles is a choice. It's the same choice we make when we decide to love a child with all our heart, no matter the sleepless nights and the self-sacrifices involved. The question is, can we bring this same level of full-hearted choice to our leadership roles? Can we choose to lead at a "10/10" level, not because of the rewards or accolades, but because of the intrinsic joy and fulfillment that comes from fully investing ourselves in the success and growth of others?
Understanding the parallel evolution of parenting and leadership allows us to seize new possibilities. We can mindfully adapt our leadership style, just as we do our parenting approach, and fully invest ourselves in both roles. Let's embrace this dual evolution and engage wholeheartedly. Because, ultimately, both leadership and parenting are about fostering growth—ours and others'—and mindfully choosing to love the journey.